Professor Gánti published 24 books, the majority in Hungarian, the most important ones also in English, but also in Russian and Polish. Among them, the „Principles of life” in 7 editions. In this part we show a short information about the content of the books, the opinions of reviewers and the downloadable versions. In their original form, they can be found in the Archiv of City Vác. According to Professor Gánti: „I wrote my scientific books with my brain, the „Disappearing Islands” and the "On the bosom of nature" with my heart, and the „Hermit piglet” with my soul.”
The list of book reviews will also be provided.
Forradalom az élet kutatásában
Revolution in research of life
Gondolat, Budapest, 1966 (In Hungarian)
Az élet princípiuma
The Principle of Life
Gondolat, Budapest, 1971 (In Hungarian)
Gondolat, Budapest, 1978 (Revised edition)
Kriterion, Bucurest, 1979 (In Hungarian)
OMIKK, Budapest, 1983 (In Hungarian)
Wiezda Powszechna, Warsawa, 1986 (In Polish)
OMIKK, Budapest, 1987 (In English)
The Principles of Life
With a commentary by J. Griesemer and E. Szathmáry
Oxford, University Press, 2003
A kvarkoktól a galaktikus társadalmakig
From quarks to galactical societies
Kossuth, Budapest, 1975 (In Hungarian)
A Theory of Biochemical Supersystems and its Application to Problems of Natural and Artificial Biogenesis
Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1979
University Park Press, Baltimore, 1979
Az élet és születése
Life and its birth
Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1980 (In Hungarian)
Prosveschenie, Moscow, 1984 (In Russian)
Eltűnő szigetek
Vanishing islands
Natura, Budapest, 1983 (In Hungarian)
Chemoton elmélet 1. kötet: A fluid automaták elméleti alapjai
Chemoton theory, Volume I: Theoretical foundation of fluid automata
OMIKK, Budapest, 1984 (In Hungarian)
Chemoton elmélet 2. kötet: Az élő rendszerek elmélete
Chemoton theory, Volume II: Theory of living systems
OMIKK, Budapest, 1989 (In Hungarian)
Kontra Crick, avagy az élet mivolta
Contra Crick that is: the nature of life
Gondolat, Budapest, 1989 (In Hungarian)
A remetesüldő
The hermit piglet (and the Spinster)
Kogitátor, Budapest,1992 (In Hungarian)
Váci eltűnő szigetek
The Vanishing Islands at Vác
Vác, 1994
Az élet általános elmélete
General theory of life
Műszaki könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2000 (In Hungarian)
Chemoton Theory. Vol. I.
Theory of Fluid Mashineries
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New-York, 2003
Chemoton Theory. Vol. II.
Theory of Living Systems.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New-York, 2003
A természet kebelén
On the bosom of nature
Novum Verlag, Sopron, 2009
Visegrád - A fellegvár az felleg-vár
Visegrád - The citadel - Castle in the clouds
Kucsák Nyomda, Vác, 2010
/ Posthumous Release /
Books with co-authors:
The Origin of Life: New Research and New Results
In: Actual Problems of Biology. Vol.I. (Ed: Gy. Csaba)
Medicina, 1974. p.45-90. (In Hungarian)
Selfregulation and Selforganization of Molecular Supersystems
In: Biological Regulation (Ed: Gy. Csaba)
Medicina, Budapest, 1978. p.37-73. (In Hungarian)
The essence of the living state
In: Defining Life: The central problem in Theoretical biology (M.Rizotti, ed.) pp. 103-117.
University of Padova, Padova, 1996
The Genesis of the Genom
The conditions of Life
In: The Genom. (Ed: E. Hidvégi).
Széphalom Könyvműhely, Budapest, 2003 (In Hungarian)