The Principle of Life

Third edition

(Kriterion Publisher Bukarest, 1979)

Based on the second revised edition (Gondolat, Budapest, 1978)


„Tibor Gánti attempted to summarise the results of biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, cybernetics and system theory created in the second part of the 20-th century concerning the research of life and its criteria, or even independently from biology. He himself does not consider his work finished, accepted and proven, rather a responsible experiment to develop an up-to-date, prospective biological attitude and way of thinking.

„The principles of life” is a success, it is and has been read by a lot of people. Hopefully, as a result, it becomes clear for the readers that the functioning of living systems can be described by exact, scientific methods, and that it can be designed and organised.”

Dr. Attila Szabó


„The approach and definition of the essence of life is undoubtedly one of the most significant problems of human thinking. Without an appropriate definition, neither the final accomplishment of the materialistic views in biology, nor the achievement of the objective of vast theoretical and practical importance, the creation of artificial life can be imagined. Every attempt assisting in a more accurate description of basic life processes modifying our views in this direction is a very valuable contribution to universal human knowledge.

Tibor Gánti, with his outstanding work achieved a result pointing far beyond his narrow professional field. He attempted to comprise the results of biophysics, biochemistry, biomathematics, molecular biology, cybernetics and systems theory in the research of life and its criteria to a uniform theory. He himself does not consider his work finished, accepted and proven, rather a responsible experiment to develop an up-to-date, prospective biological attitude and way of thinking.

„Since the formulation of this theory a decade has passed, but the 5 years since the appearence of the theory have  proven that the experiment is fit for life. A complete theory, the so-called chemoton theory has developed from it. In this development a significant role has been played by the debates and discussions surrounding the theory, which pointed out  several insufficiencies and problems to be solved. Today it seems that the chemoton theory can bring about a significant change in the views biology, and may contribute to a great extent to the development of a new type of theoretical biology.

This view-forming force can be welcome in the series of Korunk Könyve (Book of our age). From this edition – mainly due to reasons of space – the second chapter of the second edition is omitted, but a lecture of the author held in 1975 before a multiscientific society on the basic properties of chemical, biochemical reactions, and on DNA- and protein synthesis is inserted.

The „Principles of life” is a successful book read by a lot of people. Hopefully, as a result, it becomes clear for the readers that the functioning of living systems can be described by exact, scientific methods, and that it can be designed and organised. The thought-inspiring writings of this book want to contribute to this design and organisation by giving new aspects and relationships."

Attila Szabó